Anatoli Lichii

About me

I'm a Cloud Solution Architect with team lead experience, based in Hamburg.

Linux and Open Source have driven my passion since my studies, ultimately shaping my career. My early experience in web hosting broadened my interests over the years. Recently, I’ve focused on Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Kubernetes, Terraform, and AWS Cloud. Automating with Python and Bash is always enjoyable for me.

Throughout my career, I've been consistently involved with e-commerce, building sustainable cloud platforms, and engaging with various fascinating challenges and customers. This journey has also allowed me to gain foundational knowledge in Go and PHP programming, which aids me in making informed decisions in my field. Principles from my studies in business informatics often help me balance realistic objectives with technical implementation.

Currently, I am focusing on different aspects of cloud conception and development, which I find highly rewarding. My previous experience with older technologies and concepts gives me deeper insights and inspires me to explore new approaches.

How I Can Help


I support companies in expanding and developing their IT architecture. Through architecture reviews with product teams, updating the overall architecture, and integrating new technologies, I ensure your platform remains cutting-edge. I also develop strategies for transitioning to cloud-native architectures and optimizing existing monolithic systems.


I promote knowledge sharing within your organization by establishing and expanding Community of Practice formats, such as brown bag sessions and tech talks. I assist teams in the architecture and optimization of AWS solutions to enhance efficiency and reliability. Additionally, I offer hands-on exercises and scenarios to deepen AWS knowledge.

Platform Engineering

I work closely with your platform team to develop clear objectives and strategies. By creating detailed roadmaps and assisting in building and optimizing platform components, I ensure your platform is efficient and scalable.

Team Leadership and Training

I help build new teams and coach team leads to strengthen their leadership skills. By introducing new tools and formats, I support team leadership and facilitate effective knowledge exchange. I also develop formats such as tech talks and case studies for the continuous training of your employees.

With my extensive knowledge and experience in these areas, I can help your company advance technologically and implement sustainable IT solutions.

I enjoy music, philosophy, and religion. Feel free to ask me more about myself via email.